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Williamson River/Lonesome Duck Outing
Registration Info
Registration is closed
Contact Peter Haight for more information and registration.
About this event
Event: Williamson River & Lonesome Duck Lodge
Dates: Arrive the 14th of Sept., fish the 15th, 16th and 17th, depart on the 18th.
Cost: $1000.00 - guides, boats, cabin & meals
Comments: Contact Peter Haight to coordinate your trip. If everyone is flexible with the sharing of rooms, then we should be able to accommodate 6 anglers.
Process: If you are interested in going or know someone who would like to go, then please call Peter and get on the list asap (Trip is 1st come, 1st serve!) Peter can be reached at 310-476-9931 or
Travel: We will coordinate trip/travel arrangements in the future.